Free download Field Hockey Dood APK for Android
Description of Field Hockey Dood Create and share plays. Ad supported - In-app subscriptionto remove adsDescription: Field Hockey Dood is a must have application for field hockey Piggy GoLDcoaches. A great clipboard or playbook application. It allows users to touch and move players around on a field and then layer on doodles and text. Once happy with the image, users can then save image. Can be used on phone or tablet, buy once!Paid features- no adsFeatures:- BETA feature - record play videos- quick play area transitions or use multitouch to position rink- move players, add pylons, refs and a puck- save/share images & animations- add text and move it around- various doodles such as arrow line or dotted
Version history Field Hockey Dood New in Field Hockey 10.0.0 - moved to one time purchase model- ability to import databases from folder- added back the pause button- bug fixes Please rate this app