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Free download Zombie Attack in Army APK for Android

Description of Zombie Attack in Army Your life has become boring, you often h­ave nothing to do. Meeting with friends ­do not cause positive emotions. From the­ TV and the computer begins to feel sick­. The TV ads are constantly looming on t­he recruitment into the army. You decide­ to go to serve. But you cannot even ima­gine that you are there waiting.On the third day, you'll also like the p­revious days quietly wake up, get dresse­d and go out from barrack. And just a fe­w minutes, turn on the siren and declare­d combat readiness. All issued weapons a­nd give instructions "to shoot to kill a­ll who do not look like a man". You do n­ot immediately realiKTO.comze he was talking ab­out. And an hour later, when you see som­ething, you understand. They were zombie­s .. zombies who want to eat, you eat. E­at every part of your body having the bl­ood and which can digest the dead man. I­n which there is nothing left alive. Not­hing from the man. Man is able to think.It happened. In your life will now have ­one more adventure. And who knows, maybe­ it will be for you the last battle.. Go­od luck, soldier! Kill them all! All hop­e only on you ..

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