Infinity arena : battle royale [Mod Money]
Infinity Arena Battle Royale - pixel 2D shooter.With this battle piano like PUBG, this game has nothing to do. But it has a great resemblance to the classic platformers of the 90s, which were so loved in the past. Pixel graphics and super dynamic firefights are the only thing this game consists of. In the arsenal of the protagonist there are 16 types of various weapons and 4 unique arenas, where the real "meat grinder" will take place. Stay in the arena as much as you can!CPU---Android OS4.0Open GL---Free Space 17.54 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newНеSupermarket Spreeограниченные камни и короныОткрыты все персонажиUpdate history-----
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