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New Belarus

New Belarus

New opportunities for those who left and those who stayed in the country.

New Belarus is a digital version of democratic Belarus on a smartphone. Created by Belarusians for Belarusians, it opens up new opportunities for those who left and those who stayed in the country.

Platform user data is securely encrypted. Install the app and create a digital ID. Specify your city to have access to updated information on the platform.

Here you can get medical and legal advice, offer your services. Consult business experts and help other Belarusians at work. You can learn online and also share your experience online.

Everyone who has left the country can learn about and visit Belarusian events in their own city or nearby. ComuBlack Jack Play network with other Belarusian expats and organize in the community based on interests. Receive and earn discounts by participating in the loyalty program for Belarusian entrepreneurs.

All NB users receive only true news from verified sources. It's convenient, useful and safe.

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