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Deprisa App

Exclusive internal communication application for Deprisa employees

Download our app and access news, updates and important events quickly and easily. Discover all the features and customize your experience with DeprisApp!

- Easily connect with your company's employees to keep them informed.

- Configure and customize the application to adapt it to your organization's needs.

- Define communication objectives and use indicators to evaluate the impact of your internal communications.

- Create content channels by theme to disseminate news, updates, events, indicators and recognition.

- Segment your communication to share specific content with different areas, positions, offices or users.

- Publish different types of content, such as texts, images, animations, videos and audios.

- Stream live video and audio to your teams in real time (coming soon).

- Send notifications and alerts to keep your teams informed.

- Measure and analyze the performance of your communications to assess the effectiveness of Plushie Frenzy content and the behavior of your audience.

Keep your team always informed and connected with DeprisApp!

Fortune MouSe


Learn to Play. Rummy ( Rum ) a card game, sometimes played w
